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Universities receive thousands of questions and requests per year. They are usually external inquiries from individuals considering applying to the institute or internal queries and proposals from students and staff struggling with IT-related issues. Usually, they are handled strictly during office hours, so some cases will have to pause until the following day. Nevertheless, students also work outside the office hours and want support just when they require it.

AI-Assistant in Education

Work at the universities manages to pile up for spring when new applications are processed and fall when contemporary scholars begin their journey. Frequently there are straightforward explanations and solutions to many questions, but due to heavy volume, the service is congested. AI significantly reduces a load of such problems by freeing up staff to deal only with more demanding cases.

Scholars want to utilize digital technologies as educational instruments. Moreover, they appreciate easy and quick ways to crack their troubles. As the “Generation of 21st Century,” they are employed to acquire the details they want straight away, with simply a few clicks. That is why universities are interested in using AI to enhance their benefit. Universities and Institutes are increasingly adopting AI-based chatbots, aka virtual assistants, to improve their relations with new and existing students. Conversational AI enables conversation in natural language. The discussion is like with a human, but extensively quicker.

Let’s take a look at five causes that emphasize the possibility of an AI-powered virtual assistant:

Easy touch with students

Rather than depending on numerous platforms, concentrate on a single pipeline. Express in a way that makes student participation comfortable. The AI-based virtual assistants of TURABIT give scholars access to required details at their fingertips.

Extended Coverage across other units

In complement to IT support, You can put the virtual assistant to work in other units, such as the Student Affairs Office, Campus Services, Financial AID, and the Career Selection. At the same time, it will learn more and free up staff to manage larger projects. 

On-Demand Student Assistance & Support

Extended service hours are vital as more and more people study remotely and require support outside regular office hours. Don’t fail in connecting with students immediately – Gen Z will not wait up

Minor hassle in university operations

Conversational AI significantly impacts student outcomes by encouraging students to address minor issues before they become more significant problems proactively. Universities can raise the fulfillment speed of assignments such as filling in applications for admission and applying for financial support by changing how they are presented.

Easy chatbot implementation

You may be worried about complex implementation, but not all virtual assistants require programming skills or in-depth knowledge of IT. For example, Turabit University AI Assistant is easy to operate and deploy quickly. A complete, pre-taught AI model with a broad hierarchy of topics covers the most common needs of students and IT services, making it highly cost-effective.

Conversational AI as a communication strategy for Universities: 

AI-powered virtual assistants add a new communication layer, providing immediate, on-demand support to simple inquiries. By developing your communication system according to the requirements of the students, you can remove many obstacles that prevent them from succeeding. AI assistants can help universities secure more course registrations and increase admissions. An enhanced education system means more satisfied students and a better reputation for your university.

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